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States must notify differences with standards, and are invited to notify differences with recommended practices.l' - n=AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES,>    Annex 15 AIS contains standards and recommended practices. States additionally must notify a list of significant differences with standards and recommended practices through AIP.~' {' 'D/T  ` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> c(    6a P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0[   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0Z ``  =*  0T` `   ?*  0t[ `   ?*H  0޽h ? ̙33 Default Designn 0 .&@(    0_ P    =*   0[     ?* d  c $ ?    04b  @  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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In the case of amendments to international standards, any State which does not make the appropriate amendments to its own regulations or practices shall give notice to the Council within sixty days of the adoption of the amendment to the international standard, or indicate the action it propose to take. In any such case, the Council shall make immediate notification to all other states of the difference which exists between one or more features of an international standard and the corresponding national practice of that State. {next slide}0 H  0޽h ? ̙33 0 p-(  X  C      S Ը @   /Annex 14 Aerodromes is produced in a format that differentiates its safety specifications into standards, printed in light face roman, and recommended practices printed in light face italics. States commonly adopt many of the recommended practices as standards in their own regulatory material because the practices have been learned from experience and have been accepted as important means for producing good safety results. (standards are only ever the minimum requirements) Where national regulations and standards vary from the standards in Annex 14, States are required to notify ICAO of the differences. Where national regulations and standards vary from the recommended practices in Annex 14, States are invited to notify ICAO of the differences when the nature of such differences is important to the safety of air navigation. Notification of differences (or their withdrawal) should be an ongoing process as national legislation and standards are developed and amended. {next slide}0 H  0޽h ? ̙332  0   $ ( ޽h $X $ C      $ S Dո @    Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services is produced in a format that differentiates its safety specifications into standards, printed in light face roman, and recommended practices printed in light face italics. States commonly adopt many of the recommended practices as standards in their own regulatory material because the practices have been learned from experience and have been accepted as important means for producing good safety results. Where national regulations and standards vary from the standards in Annex 15, States are required to notify ICAO of the differences. Where national regulations and standards vary from the recommended practices in Annex 15, States are invited to notify ICAO of the differences when the nature of such differences is important to the safety of air navigation However when significant differences exist between national regulations and practices of the State and the related ICAO Standards, recommended Practices and procedures, a list of the sig difs is to be published in the AIP . Publication of differences (or their withdrawal) should be an ongoing process as national legislation and standards are developed and amended.  significant difference = of a degree considered to be important to safety (source) [ end of section] {next slide}! ,&H $ 0޽h ? ̙33r, %,J'49)?.! SK bY(  / 0   On-screen Showicaoreee* Times New RomanDefault Design>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide TitlesRoot EntrydO)~B+@Current UserPSummaryInformation( PowerPoint Document(e  !"#$%6'@H7<=>?ABCDEFGIJKLM&  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345789:;<=>?@(_zeFareed Ali ShahFareed Ali ShahZOh+'0 hp    ( 4@H>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCESI Bill BrownE Govinda GiriTIF6viMicrosoft PowerPointON @@\@m$@i@0gGj erences        +.--"System-&TNPP &Z՜.+,0h    On-screen Showicaoreee* Times New RomanDefault Design>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titlese Titles 6> _PID_GUIDAN{87B3E8F8-5DCA-11D6-A848-444553540000}LDTimes New Roman|Wbbv 0b( 0 ` .  @n?" dd@  @@``_zLASER.WAV.WAV 101040RIFF%WAVEfmt ++datat]iti]tittttttititttitittitti]it]ii]ttitttti]ii]tiitittttttiii]]titttiitt]iiQt]itt]ittititQtittt]iF]]]ii]:tFtiii]ititti]Q:FtQiitFQ:QitiFQtitQ://]iQiQFFQiQQ]]]FtiQ]ttFiF]i:::iF#]tiFFQQ#Qi]]]/tt#F]iF]i//ƺ/FQtFt:Q:]]tQtQ/::]i]t]]i:Qi]]]FiFQ]/::#F:/:::F:#FƗ:t#:#FFFƺ/#/#]р#iݺQFQ#QQ/FѯFFi:#/Q:tFFi:tї///#ї####ݯ:#ii/Root EntrydO)懊g;@Current UserDSummaryInformation( PowerPoint Document(e  !"#$%6'7<@H=>?ABCDEFGIJKLM&  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345789:;<=>?@$_ze WGovinda GiriGovinda GiriZOh+'0 hp    ( 4@H>AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCESI Bill BrownE Govinda GiriTIF6viMicrosoft PowerPointON @@\@m$@i@0gGj QF#i:ѣQ/]i/:# QQ :ѣFFݯQ#]]#:ݗF/i]/ݗ/ :t/:t/QƯ]/ݯtFFt]FFi]F]ii]ttQQti/#QїQ/:tѺ]QtƣtF/Fƣi:#FƌF#]ݺt:#/iƗ]//Qѯi/#:i]F:QiiQQitQ:Ftѣi:#/iѯQ/:]ѯQ//]ݺF:tƺi:#/QƯQ##:iѺQ/#FݺQ//:iiQQiiQQi]::QtѯF #QƗi:#/Qti:##:iƺtQ//FiѯQ/#/FtѺi:##FiѯQ/##:iѺi:##/QƣtF##FtƣtF//:]ƣQ##:iѺQ/##:QƯiF::F]tƺtQ::F]ƺiQFFQi]://:Qi]QF:FQitQF:/:QiƺiQF::Q]ƺt]QF:FQit]QQQ]ittiQFFFQ]ƺiF://:QiƺiQ:/#/F]tƺiQ/##:QiƯt]F:::Q]tƺtQ:/##:F]iƺtQ:###/F]tƯiQ:///F]iƺtiQF:::Q]tƺt]F/###/:QiƺiQF:///:QiƺiQ:////FQiƺi]F:://:Q]tƺt]Q:///:Q]iƺt]Q:////:F]iƺtiQF:///::F]it]QF:::FFQ]itt]QFF:FFQ]iti]QFF::FFQ]iti]Q::://:FQQ]tti]FF://::FQ]tƺti]QFF::::FQ]itƺti]QF:::FFQQ]iti]QFF:::FFQQ]itti]QFF::: h4 + c $@ g4PdPdv 0bppp@ <4BdBd` 0bhWbg4KdKdv 0bp@ pp<4!d!d` 0bhWbuʚ;2Nʚ;:2___PPT9/ 0?F, 2ICAO COSCAP -SA May 2002O =DocumentSummaryInformation86=AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES,>     Article 38 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation states:  Any State which finds it impractical to comply in all respects with any such international standard or procedure & shall give immediate notification to ICAO of the differences&  =AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES,>   Annex 14 Aerodromes contains standards and recommended practices. States must notify differences with standards, and are invited to notify differences with recommended practices.l' - n=AERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES,>    Annex 15 AIS contains standards and recommended practices. States additionally must notify a list of significant differences with standards and recommended practices through AIP.~' {' 'D/T N0 `(  X  C    S  S 6? @  S TAnnex 14 Aerodromes is produced in a format that differentiates its safety specifications into standards, printed in light face roman, and recommended practices printed in light face italics. States commonly adopt many of the recommended practices as standards in their own regulatory material because the practices have been learned from experience and have been accepted as important means for producing good safety results. (standards are only ever the minimum requirements) Where national regulations and standards vary from the standards in Annex 14, States are required to notify ICAO of the differences. Article 38 implies that significantly higher as well as lower variations from ICAO standards should be notified Where national regulations and standards vary from the recommended practices in Annex 14, States are invited to notify ICAO of the differences when the nature of such differences is important to the safety of air navigation. Notification of differences (or their withdrawal) should be an ongoing process as national legislation and standards are developed and amended. {next slide}0H H  0޽h ? ̙33rK _ Kbe g  U& &&#TNPP2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP    - "-- !-- "-&Gy& - @Times New Roman- .2 g ICAO COSCAP    . . 2 -. .2  SA May 2002   .&y&  . 2 f1 .--i8-- @Times New Roman- .42 FJAERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE&   . .42 EIAERODROME CERTIFICATION COURSE&   . .32 |NOTIFICATION OF DIFFERENCES  .--A0--  .U2 +:4Article 38 of the Convention on International Civil               . .%2 _:Aviation states:       . .O2 :0 Any State which finds it impractical to            . .T2 :3comply in all respects with any such international               . .L2 :.standard or procedure shall give immediate     +    !!   . .E2 5:)notification to ICAO of the differences        +.--"System-&TNPP &Z՜.+,0h